Are men polygamous?

Many women tend to think that men are polygamous by nature. Quite often it means that sooner or later your significant other would be bored by you. And as the result he would like to find someone else or at least he would be attracted by someone more interesting and attractive than you are. How often do we generalize our relationships? Does this rule work for absolutely everyone? Don’t you think that by generalizing and stereotyping your man you could simply damage your relationship?

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Guest Marriage: Invention of Modern Society or Ancient Heritage?

According to the common definition guest marriage is the form of the family relationships when the spouses don’t share to house and each one runs the house separately.

The wife and husband who prefer guest marriage may even live in different countries and spend only holidays and vacations together. One may suppose that the history of the guest marriage is not a long one but in fact the social studies say that this form of relationships has been known long before the present days. It is considered that the idea of the guest marriage is based upon the views on the relationships between a wife and a husband which were wide-spread ones during the Middle Ages. In those times the men often were to leave their houses for quite a long period as they were supposed to serve their fatherland. Their wives used to stay in the country seats while their husbands were working in the other towns. The wives ran the household and had numerous female companions to make their living no so boring. In that way the whole family used to reunite quite seldom.

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