Henna Night

The fruit vases are standing everywhere, the plates with Eastern sweets and flowers, the candles are burning and shedding aroma scents, the women are sitting in the circle singing sad songs and drawing sophisticated patterns on their hands with henna. In that way the traditional Muslim bridal shower is usually spent. It is called the Night of Henna. The feminine relatives and friends of a bride gather in a beautifully decorated room wearing their best outfits to take part in a ceremony of seeing their dear friend off. The traditional color of bridal dress is commonly red in Muslim countries so only the bride is allowed to wear it. She usually covers her face with a thin silk veil and left her hands bare. According to the traditions at first the hands of the bride are being painted with henna. Than the hands of all the women who are happy in their marriage are being painted. Henna is supposed to remember the positive vibrations of happiness. After that the girls who want to get married soon stretch their hands to have them painted. In that way they believe to attract the happiness and luck.

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Why Do People Need Religion

Every slightest event that affects our psychics causes the inevitable reactions which we experience as emotions or feelings. When we remain in this or that state of mind we often are not completely aware of its reasons. Every simple or complex phenomena of a human psychology has the implicit impulses that launch it. One of such phenomena is religionism. Many people who suppose themselves to be the holders of a certain religious belief consider that religiosity is a natural feature of a human soul. In 1927 Sigmund Freud stated that the concept of religion is aimed to fulfill three tasks simultaneously. It helps the people to neutralize their fear of death, accept the situation that can’t be changed and accept the unfairness of the human society. It is hard to decide which of these three factors is the main one making the people stick to this or that religious belief. In the beginning the religion was the attempt of the prehistoric people to protect themselves from the disasters of nature. Reducing the fear of death is by all means the secondary effect of faith.

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